The receptacle that holds it all:
The Trash Section: This is where I hold old snotty tissues, bent lollipops, half wrapped tootsie rolls, and used movie ticket stub.

The Business Section: My wallet, checkbook, notepad and countless gift cards that I always forget are in there until after I have left the store.

The Drug store section: Nausea wrist bands from when I was pregnant (my daughter is 8 months old), cold medication for me, tylenol for baby, unmarked prescription bottle with random drugs like tylenol, percocet, aleve, etc, perfume for when I smell funny, comb, soap that I got as a gift at someone's baby shower, binder clip, and lip gloss
The Paper section: Old receipts, drawing of some project or bookshelf I was supposed to buy as an organizing tool (I don't think it ever happened), to-do list, bank deposit receipt, ticket from waiting in line for something, and one pen
Miscellaneous Section: watch links taken out from my watch, ipod connector for my car.
Loose change: This section is actually kind of sad...I expected more!
The Kids Section: Diaper, wipes, sunscreen, socks, baby einstein entertainment game, half of a plastic easter egg, and a 'travel disc' for Zoe's bottle (aka--token choke-able item)
Extended Kid Section: added just as I left the little pony, bottle of formula and sippy cup cap with straw--excellent for crying teething baby

And last, but certainly not blackberry!!!
Let's hope they don't do a "most cluttered car" contest...I don't even want to GO there!